Ascension Mastery Certification

Ascension Mastery Certification

Unlock Your Spiritual Potential with Ascension Mastery Certification

Discover the Path to Higher Consciousness

In a world brimming with unseen potential, Ascension Mastery Certification serves as your compass to navigate the expanses of spiritual growth. Every individual carries within them a spark of the divine, a promise of expansion and enlightenment that is waiting to be discovered and nurtured. Ascension Mastery Certification is not merely a program; it's a transformative journey that guides you through the intricate layers of your being, allowing you to connect with higher states of consciousness. As you embark on this path, you will unveil the profound wisdom of your inner self, opening doors to new dimensions of existence and understanding.

Why Ascension Mastery Certification Is Essential

The Ascension Mastery Certification transcends traditional spiritual teachings. By integrating dermatoglyphic insights with epigenetic wisdom, it equips you with the tools to elevate your vibrational energy and embrace your infinite potential. This certification is grounded in years of meticulous research and endorsed by testimonials from those who've experienced life-altering transformations. Ascension Mastery Certification is more than learning; it's an awakening, a reclamation of the power that resides within your DNA, ready to be activated for your highest good.

Ascension Mastery Certification

Connect with Your Inner Truth

Many search for a deeper connection with the universe, but few know how to access it. The Ascension Mastery Certification is the key to this sacred knowledge. It's a carefully curated experience designed to align you with your true purpose, to resonate with the cosmos's frequency. Through this certification, you'll learn to interpret the language of your soul expressed through the unique dermatoglyphics of your hands, revealing the blueprint of your spiritual destiny.

Ascension Mastery Certification

Experience Profound Spiritual Evolution

With Ascension Mastery Certification, you become part of a community committed to growth, peace, and enlightenment. This program offers you the extraordinary opportunity to expand your consciousness, connect with your galactic lineage, and step into a reality where every moment is infused with magic and purpose. You are not just learning a skill; you're embarking on a quest to unlock the full spectrum of your multidimensional existence.

Take the Leap into Abundance

Today is the day you decide to take control of your spiritual journey. With Ascension Mastery Certification, you're not just purchasing a service; you're investing in your eternal self, embracing the love in your hands, and claiming the life of abundance that is your birthright. Don't let this moment pass you by. The time for ascension is now. Embrace your role as a multidimensional being. Sign up for Ascension Mastery Certification today and begin the most important journey you will ever undertake.

Summary of Your Ascension Journey

  • A transformative journey to higher consciousness
  • Endorsed by a community of like-minded individuals
  • Decipher the unique language of your soul
  • Join a lineage of spiritual evolution
  • Unlock your DNA's full potential for growth and enlightenment
  • Embrace the multidimensional abundance awaiting you
  • Begin your path to Ascension Mastery Certification now

Begin Your Journey to Multidimensional Mastery: Download Chapter One Free!

Unveil the Secrets of Ascension & Transform Your Reality ? Get a Glimpse with Our Free Chapter!

Ascension Mastery Certification


Are you at a point in your life where you've ticked off all the expected boxes ? education, career, family ? yet you still feel an undeniable yearning for something more, something deeper and more meaningful? It's as if the Universe is gently nudging you, signaling that there's a grander purpose waiting for you to embrace. The calling to ascend to the next level of your spiritual evolution is a profound and powerful one. When you heed this inner voice, it can open up new chapters in your life that resonate with your soul's true purpose. But, as with all cosmic calls, ignoring it can lead to more insistent and sometimes challenging signals from the Universe. You might experience it as a deep knowing that you can no longer ignore ? a calling that insists you must embark on the path you've always dreamed of. The vision and purpose are crystal clear; the time to act is now. You were born with a unique brilliance, a radiant light, and gifts waiting to be unlocked. As you embark on your journey of ascension in one area, you'll unleash a cascading effect that elevates every facet of your life. This is the domino effect ? a transformative journey that can lead to profound success, purpose, self-fulfillment, and the ultimate gifts of happiness, joy, and play. Welcome to the Portals of Ascension Mastery Certification, a 7-month program designed especially for visionary high achievers like you, ready to embark on this sacred journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual ascension. It's time to stand firmly in your power and light, ready to explore the full expression of your extraordinary gifts.

Ascension Mastery Certification


This is a 7-month channeled certification program to master the 11 hand portals of your life, ascend in your spiritual path, connect with your cosmic family & expand your consciousness

Ascension is happening now on the planet, it's our time to step into our full potential so that we can make this transition more enjoyable for ourselves and those we love and work with.

  • We will go through all 10 of your fingerprint portals and the one in your palm to fully explore your potential as a multidimensional spiritual being of light
  • We will break through blocks that are stopping you in each area
  • You will discover and learn how to do this for others, whether it's just for your family and friends, or you want to add it to an existing coaching or healing practice
  • You will, portal by portal, start to create the life you want to live, as the Divine wants you to, as a powerful co-creator worthy of true abundance
  • I was taught by the Pleiadian Council of Light, a benevolent extraterrestrial group that your fingerprints are portals to your multidimensionality. By opening and accessing these portals, you may ascend in your spiritual path
  • You will get an onboarding one-on-one session with Cynthia or someone on her team to set you up for maximum success
  • You will learn to connect to all the support you have in this dimensional reality AND connect to the higher dimensional realms, including the angelic realm, spirit guides, Ascended Masters and your own ET lineage if you have one
  • You will get monthly one-on-one strategy sessions with Cynthia to keep your momentum going
  • Live weekly office hours where you can ask questions, receive support and practice what you're learning
  • Powerful monthly group healing sessions and Reconnections
  • Special trainings from the higher dimensional realms as they come in, be the first to experience them
  • Transformative energetic attunements to raise your vibrational set-point

The power that comes from a supportive group like this is you that you don't have to go it alone. You will be surrounded by other spiritual high achievers, like yourself, who are on the ascension path. You will have the opportunity to learn from each other, create new friendships and grow together. There is magic in groups.


It is your divine time and your turn to create the success you want in all areas of your life. It's time for ascension.

Ascension Mastery Certification

We will spend 7 Months exploring each of these portals, working directly with the higher dimensional realms.

Introducing Dermatoglyphic Epigenetics and the 11 Portals of the Palms

The term "dermatoglyphic epigenetics" was introduced to me by the Pleiadian Council of Light. It means "rising above your genes through finger and palmar print patterns." In other words, our hands not only show us our life purpose, personality and life path, something I've studied for over 15 years. They have portals to access our multidimensionality and ascend our limitations. By knowing how to access and work with them, we can transform our lives, ascend in our spirituality and manifest our dream life, which is our Divine birthright as co-creators.

  • Portal 1: Willpower and setting intentions
  • Portal 2: Ancestral and ET lineage
  • Portal 3: Chosen work and duties
  • Portal 4: Creative expression
  • Portal 5: Higher truth and wisdom
  • Portal 6: Soulmate love and healing
  • Portal 7: Potential co-creation
  • Portal 8: Karmic neutralization
  • Portal 9: Inner strength and self knowledge
  • Portal 10: Collective willpower
  • Portal 11: Change and the Cosmic Heart
  • Heightened abilities and renewed awareness in those divine gifts that are your birthright, encoded in your DNA
  • Renewed sovereignty -- a knowingness that no one and nothing can take away who and what you are, a divine multidimensional being whose soul is eternal
  • Clarity in your path, purpose, mission, direction, being aware of your importance and how your efforts impact the Earth and the Collective Unconscious
  • Find joy, fun and play as you re-connect to the part of you that knows this is all a construct and not real, but a holographic reflection that you created
  • A much greater sense of peace, knowing that you are not nor will you ever be alone
  • Tools to guide you in manifesting a new Earth, a new dawn, a new joyful exuberance that shall become your "new normal," not born from fear, but born from love and eternal connectedness to the One Infinite Creator, making it very easy to see through the current planetary illusions

We will spend 7 months exploring each of these portals, working directly with the higher dimensional realms.

A Message from the Pleiadian Council of Light:

We would like to share for those with ears to hear that the DNA coding in your body is a magnificent reflection of divine perfection. When you begin to work with your dermatoglyphic epigenetics you will be able to activate specific genes already within your biological system. We are sharing with you multiple ways to bring enlightenment to your being so that you may grow and expand not only in your abilities, but also to maintain and return to the divine perfection that you already are. As you begin your work with group manifesting and multi dimensional palmistry, you will have many tools to access and directly anchor in specific desires

Some of the benefits of our training include:

Company Websites

Ascension Mastery Certification
Higher Self Mastery Programs
Multidimensional Being Development
Higher Self Mastery Programs
Getting Spiritual in Sedona
Sedona red rocks activities
Sedona airport vortex
Sedona Spiritual Activities

Relative Pages:

  • Spiritual Ascension Training
  • Epigenetic Spiritual Coaching
  • Dermatoglyphic DNA Activation
  • Multidimensional Being Development
  • Higher Self Mastery Programs
  • Pleiadian Channeled Guidance
  • Consciousness Expansion Techniques
  • Ascension Mastery Certification
  • Holistic Epigenetic Healing
  • Galactic Family Spiritual Connection
  • Divine Abundance Manifestation
  • High Vibrational Living Guide
  • Palm Reading Genetic Activation
  • Multidimensional DNA Awakening
  • Intuitive Epigenetic Consultation
  • Vibrational Frequency Training
  • Energetic Attunement Services
  • Quantum Spiritual Transformation
  • Higher Dimensional Wellness Retreats
  • Ascension Pathway Enlightenment
  • Spiritual Healing Training
  • Multi-Dimensional Thinker
  • Multi-Dimensional Being
  • The Human Person as a Multi-Dimensional Being
  • What Are the Four Dimensions of Human Being

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